Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2009

Outside eight years ago, I steeped in sudden silence. Within that stillness, fear and uncertainty festered, infecting many with suspicion and mistrust. To soothe unquiet minds, we sculpted fresh heroes, saints and demons, breathing life into them before the dust had settled from the air. Now, once-shining avatars weather into golems whose crumbling structures reveal the rubble, dirt and ash still trapped deep within.

© 2009 Edward P. Morgan III

1 comment:

  1. --------------------------------
    Notes and asides:

    I'm not sure what set me thinking about this today. Something triggered the memory of standing in the yard that afternoon, listening to the eerie absence of normal background noise, no cars, no planes, no people on the street. Like a foggy early morning or a holiday late at night only ominous not comforting. Make of the rest what you will.

    It's short because I had to fit it into a Facebook status. There were no characters to spare.
